Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church:
Church: 386 E. 5th St.
Benson, AZ 85602
Office Phone: 520-586-3394
Fax: 520-586-3919
Mailing Address: PO BOX 2198
Benson, AZ 85602
Parish Email: olol@ololparish.com
Office hours 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Parish Administration Office:
(across the street from the church entrance)
387 E. 5th St.
P.O. Box 2198
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-1:00 pm
Parish Email: olol@ololparish.com
Please Refer to Bulletin for News Updates
10:30 AM
**Weekday Mass Information**
Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Masses at 8:00 am
SATURDAY 4:30 PM In the Confessional inside the Church from 4:30 pm-4:55pm
(CALL OFFIICE 586-3394)
Benediction and Adoration:
Every Friday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 10:00 a.m.
Healing Service:
First Wednesday of each month
after 8:30 A.M. Mass
Not at this time
Correspondence to the Church may be hand delivered to the church during normal business hours or you can mail them to Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, P.O. Box 2198 Benson, AZ 85602
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Bulletin:
If you have an announcement you would like placed in the Bulletin or Pulpit Announcement please submit your written request to the parish office. Pastoral review is required prior to publishing.
Prayer Requests:
If you have a prayer request please call the office or submit your written or emailed request to the Office. Prayer requests will be added to the prayer intention book.
Altar Servers:
Please contact the office for more information if you have a child who wishes to become an Altar Server.
Jennifer Morse - Ministry Leader
Priest: Father M. Atanga
Deacons: T. Adams
R. Valencia
Office Assistants:
Liz Rutherford, Compliance
Jennifer Morse, Finance
Custodian: Gerry Nelson
Music Leader: Filly Nelson
Ministries and Leaders:
Altar Servers: Jennifer Morse
Funeral Mass Liturgy Planner:
Office Staff
Liturgy Committee:
Father Martin
Marie Smith
Marilyn Cooke
Filly Nelson
Peggy Leichty (Ofc. Mgr.)
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
Marilyn Cooke
Marie Smith
Compliance: Liz Rutherford and
RIch Leichty
Religious Education
Rich & Peggy Leichty, DRE 520-586-3394
Religious Education Update
see Youth page
Please contact the office for information and registration forms. Religious Education registration forms are available on the Religious Education page.
Knights of Columbus Grand Knight: Al Cesarz
Ushers: Rich Leichty
Renovation and Repair: Dan Garcia, Kirby Wilson
Greg Mayer
St. Joseph the Worker Ministry
Dan Garcia
Internet Technician
Rich Leichty
Our Lady of Lourdes:
Jesus to Mankind Prayer Group:
Sr. A. Cortez & Sr. C. Jones
Tuesday: 1:00-3:00 P.M.
Not currently meeting
St. Martha Prayer Group:
Thursday: 9:15-11:30 A.M.
M. Cooke
not currently meeting
Prayer Chain:
J. Gamez
not currently meeting
Knights of Columbus,
Logan de Rosier Council #7521
Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 P.M. in the Msgr. Rossetti Hall. All Knights and visiting Knights are encouraged and welcome to attend. Any practicing Catholic gentlemen 18 yrs or older that wants to join the Knights of Columbus may contact any member of the Knights of Columbus, the Grand Knight Al Cesarz at 505-350-5415
D. Garcia at (520) 444-1339 for more information.
St. Vincent de Paul,
St. Bernadette Conference:
M. Montijo President
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Monday's at 6:00 P.M.
at the Thrift Store
Thrift Store - 181 S. Patagonia St
(Corner of 5th St & Patagonia St)
Open: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
Closed: Sunday, Monday, & Wednesday
Hours of Operation:
9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta
To report abuse in the Diocese of Tucson, call 911 immediately and then the Diocesan Office of Child, Adolescent and Adult Protection at 520-838-2513
Information from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Covid protocols have been lifted at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church In Benson, AZ. The Parish remains aware of advice from the Cochise County regarding measures intended to help keep our parishioners and our community healthy. To that effect hand sanitizer continues to be offered in the church and face masks are available for any who need or want them. It is requested that those who have cold, flu, or virus symptoms remain at home until the symptoms pass. The use of facemasks, especially by vulnerable persons or to protect vulnerable persons, is encouraged when possible. •We properly ventilate public spaces. •Washing hands (or using hand sanitizer) is recommended to reduce chances of passing on contagion. Fully vaccinated as well as unvaccinated individuals who are immune compromised, including those undergoing transplant or cancer treatment, should seek the guidance of their clinical care team before discontinuing mask use. •People who are vaccinated and develop symptoms of COVID-19 should still get tested. Volunteers who develop symptoms of COVID-19 should withdraw from service until they obtain a negative COVID-19 test and are symptom-free.
.To find a local church when you are traveling simply google Catholic Mass Times Near Me
Locations and times for Masses appear. Our Lady of Lourdes is listed here as well
Please call or stop by during normal business hours.
Open today | 09:00 am – 01:00 pm |
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