Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson is the official fundraising entity for the Diocese, including its parishes, schools, and ministries. The Catholic Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization, governed by its own Board of Directors.
The mission of the Catholic Foundation is to educate, motivate, and invigorate stewardship within the Diocese of Tucson, to garner resources in a fiscally transparent and responsible manner, and to manage and distribute solicited gift for the immediate and long term needs of the faith community of the Diocese.
At the Catholic Foundation, we strive to be:
The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson abides by the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Code of Ethical Standards.
Most Reverend Edward Weisenburger
Bishop of Tucson
John Tellmann
Robert Sullivan
Vice Chair
Alex Miramontez
Les Orchekowsky
Caitlin Sklar
Denis Fitzgibbons
Donal Drayne
Jeanne Gale
John Meurant
Kevin Boesen
Luis Parra
Marilou Lopez
Mary Anne Fay
Mary Garrett
Reverend Domenico Pinti
Reverend John Lyons
Sergio Cardona
Steve Borden
Reverend Monsignor Jeremiah McCarthy
Moderator of the Curia
Deacon Gregory Henderson
Chief Financial Officer
Sal Polizzotto
Executive Director
Ernie Nedder
Cathedral Square Campaign Manager
Suzanne V. Hopkins
Annual Catholic Appeal Manager
Katheryn Hutchinson
Program Manager for Grants
Teresa Pierce
Constituent Relations Manager
Daniel Hutson
Development Associate
Samuel Kiser
Administrative Assistant
2021 Monetery Goal
2022 Monetary goal
2023 Monetary Goal
Plese scroll down for this year's progress toward goal.
Our Lady Of Lourdes 2022 Catholic Appeal information
Annual Catholic Appeal Prayer
God, whose love is never-ending,
You care for us in all ways and at all times.
Bless us with the understanding that
everything we have is a gift from You.
You call us to be stewards of your abundance,
the caretakers of all you have entrusted to us.
Help us to always use your gifts wisely,
Teach us to share them generously.
Send your Holy Spirit to work through us,
bringing your message to those we serve.
May our faithful stewardship
through the Annual Catholic Appeal
bear witness to your enduring love of all creation.
May Mary, Mother of God, be with us
to inspire, guide and protect us.
Oh, Holy Blessed Mother, pray for us.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
Parish Goal $27,340
As of April 25, 2022
Pledge Total $25,505
Pledge Percent to Goal: 93%
Total fulfilled to date $19,210
Total Number of donors: 47
Number of Remaining Donors: 60
Please donate before May 31, 2022.
Thank you and God Bless.
Parish Goal $27,340
As of
Pledge Total
Pledge Percent to Goal:
Total fulfilled to date $
Total Number of donors:
Number of Remaining Donors
Please donate before May 31, 2022.
Thank you and God Bless.
Thank you for your prayers, support and participation!
Please make your pledge or contribution by May 31st, 2022.
Donate securely on-line at www.cathfnd.org/donate or use the large white envelopes in the pews.
visit www.cathfnd.org/donate
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